"""Campaign class definition"""
from obsidian.parameters import ParamSpace, Target
from obsidian.optimizer import Optimizer, BayesianOptimizer
from obsidian.experiment import ExpDesigner
from obsidian.objectives import Objective, Objective_Sequence, obj_class_dict
from obsidian.constraints import Output_Constraint, const_class_dict
from obsidian.exceptions import IncompatibleObjectiveError
from obsidian.utils import tensordict_to_dict
import obsidian
import pandas as pd
import torch
import warnings
class Campaign():
Base class for tracking optimization progress and other metrics
over multiple iterations.
X_space (ParamSpace): The parameter space for the campaign.
data (pd.DataFrame): The data collected during the campaign.
optimizer (Optimizer): The optimizer used for optimization.
designer (ExpDesigner): The experimental designer used for experiment design.
iter (int): The current iteration number.
seed (int): The seed for random number generation.
m_exp (int): The number of observations in campaign.data
y (pd.Series): The response data in campaign.data
y_names (list): The names of the response data columns
f (pd.Series): The transformed response data
o (pd.Series): The objective function evaluated on f
o_names (list): The names of the objective function columns
X (pd.DataFrame): The input features of campaign.data
response_max (float | pd.Series): The maximum for each response
target (Target | list[Target]): The target(s) for optimization.
objective (Objective, optional): The objective of the optimization campaign
def __init__(self,
X_space: ParamSpace,
target: Target | list[Target],
constraints: Output_Constraint | list[Output_Constraint] | None = None,
optimizer: Optimizer | None = None,
designer: ExpDesigner | None = None,
objective: Objective | None = None,
seed: int | None = None):
self.data = pd.DataFrame()
optimizer = BayesianOptimizer(X_space, seed=seed) if optimizer is None else optimizer
designer = ExpDesigner(X_space, seed=seed) if designer is None else designer
self.output_constraints = None
# Non-object attributes
self.iter = 0
self.seed = seed
self.version = obsidian.__version__
def add_data(self, df: pd.DataFrame):
Adds data to the campaign.
Z_i (pd.DataFrame): The data to be added to the campaign.
KeyError: If all X_names are not in the dataset
KeyError: If all y_names are not in the dataset
if not all(name in df.columns for name in self.X_space.X_names):
raise KeyError('Input dataset does not contain all of the required parameter names')
if not all(name in df.columns for name in self.y_names):
raise KeyError('Input dataset does not contain all of the required response target names')
new_data = df
if 'Iteration' not in new_data.columns:
new_data['Iteration'] = self.iter
self.iter = int(new_data['Iteration'].max())
self.iter += 1
self.data = pd.concat([self.data, new_data], axis=0, ignore_index=True)
self.data.index.name = 'Observation ID'
self.data.index = self.data.index.astype('int')
if self.optimizer.is_fit:
def clear_data(self):
"""Clears campaign data"""
self.data = pd.DataFrame()
self.iter = 0
def X_space(self) -> ParamSpace:
"""Campaign ParamSpace"""
return self._X_space
def set_X_space(self, X_space: ParamSpace):
"""Sets the campaign ParamSpace"""
self._X_space = X_space
def optimizer(self) -> Optimizer:
"""Campaign Optimizer"""
return self._optimizer
def set_optimizer(self, optimizer: Optimizer):
"""Sets the campaign optimizer"""
self._optimizer = optimizer
def designer(self) -> ExpDesigner:
"""Campaign Experimental Designer"""
return self._designer
def set_designer(self, designer: ExpDesigner):
"""Sets the campaign experiment designer"""
self._designer = designer
def objective(self) -> Objective | None:
"""Campaign Objective function"""
return self._objective
def _eval_objective(self):
"""Evaluates objective and appends it to campaign data"""
df_o = self.o
for col in df_o.columns:
self.data[col] = df_o[col].values
self.o_names = [col for col in self.data.columns if 'Objective' in col]
def set_objective(self, objective: Objective | None):
"""(Re)sets the campaign objective function"""
self._objective = objective
if not self.data.empty:
# Remove previous objective evaluations
self.data = self.data.drop(
columns=[col for col in self.data.columns if 'Objective' in col]
if self.optimizer.is_fit:
def clear_objective(self):
"""Clears the campaign objective function"""
self._objective = None
def target(self):
"""Campaign experimental target(s)"""
return self._target
def set_target(self,
target: Target | list[Target]):
Sets the experimental target context for the campaign.
target (Target | list[Target] | None): The target or list of targets to set.
if isinstance(target, Target):
self._target = [target]
self._target = target
self.y_names = [t.name for t in self._target]
self.n_response = len(self.y_names)
def _is_mo(self) -> bool:
Boolean flag for multi-output
if self.objective:
return self.objective._is_mo
return self.n_response > 1
def m_exp(self) -> int:
Number of observations in training data
return self.data.shape[0]
def y(self) -> pd.Series | pd.DataFrame:
Experimental response data
if not self.data.empty:
return self.data[self.y_names]
return None
def response_max(self) -> float | pd.Series:
Maximum response data in training set
return self.y.max()
def f(self) -> pd.Series | pd.DataFrame:
Experimental response data, in transformed space
f = pd.concat([t.transform_f(self.y[t.name]) for t in self.target], axis=1)
return f
def o(self) -> pd.Series | pd.DataFrame:
Objective function evaluated on f
if self.objective:
x = self.X_space.encode(self.X).values
o = self.objective(torch.tensor(self.f.values).unsqueeze(0),
if o.ndim < 2:
o = o.unsqueeze(1) # Rearrange into m x o
return pd.DataFrame(o.detach().cpu().numpy(),
columns=[f'Objective {o_i+1}' for o_i in range(o.shape[1])])
except Exception:
raise IncompatibleObjectiveError('Objective(s) did not successfully execute on sample')
return None
def out(self) -> pd.Series | pd.DataFrame:
Returns the objective function as appropriate, else the response data
if self.objective and self.optimizer.is_fit:
return self.o
return self.y
def X_best(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
Best performing X values
best_idx = self.out.idxmax().values
X_best = self.X.iloc[best_idx, :]
if isinstance(X_best, pd.Series):
X_best = X_best .to_frame().T
return X_best
def X(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
Feature columns of the training data
return self.data[list(self.X_space.X_names)]
def __repr__(self):
"""String representation of object"""
return f"obsidian Campaign for {getattr(self,'y_names', None)}; {getattr(self,'m_exp', 0)} observations"
def initialize(self, **design_kwargs):
Maps ExpDesigner.initialize method
return self.designer.initialize(**design_kwargs)
def fit(self):
Maps Optimizer.fit method
ValueError: If no data has been registered to the campaign
if self.m_exp <= 0:
raise ValueError('Must register data before fitting')
self.optimizer.fit(self.data, target=self.target)
def suggest(self, **optim_kwargs):
Maps Optimizer.suggest method
if self.optimizer.is_fit:
# In case X_space has changed, re-set the optimizer X_space
X, eval = self.optimizer.suggest(objective=self.objective,
return (X, eval)
except Exception:
warnings.warn('Optimization failed')
return None
warnings.warn('Optimizer is not fit to data. Suggesting initial experiments.', UserWarning)
X0 = self.initialize()
return X0
def evaluate(self, X_suggest: pd.DataFrame):
Maps Optimizer.evaluate method
return self.optimizer.evaluate(X_suggest, objective=self.objective)
def _profile_hv(self):
Calculate and assign the hypervolume values to each iteration in the data.
iters = self.data['Iteration'].unique()
hv = {}
for i in iters:
iter_index = self.data.query(f'Iteration <= {i}').index
out_iter = self.out.loc[iter_index, :]
out_iter = torch.tensor(out_iter.values)
hv[i] = self.optimizer.hypervolume(out_iter)
self.data['Hypervolume (iter)'] = self.data.apply(lambda x: hv[x['Iteration']], axis=1)
self.data['Pareto Front'] = self.optimizer.pareto(torch.tensor(self.out.values))
def _profile_max(self):
Calculate the maximum values achieved for targets at each iteration
# Remove previous max-profiling
self.data = self.data.drop(
columns=[col for col in self.data.columns if '(max) (iter)' in col]
for out in self.out.columns:
self.data[out+' (max) (iter)'] = self.data.apply(
lambda x: self.data.query(f'Iteration<={x["Iteration"]}')[out].max(), axis=1
def _analyze(self):
Analyzes the campaign data for practical optimization performance metrics
if self.objective:
if self._is_mo:
# Remove previous HV-profiling
self.data = self.data.drop(
columns=[col for col in self.data.columns
if 'Hypervolume' in col or 'Pareto' in col]
def constrain_outputs(self,
constraints: Output_Constraint | list[Output_Constraint] | None) -> None:
Sets optional output constraints for the campaign.
if constraints is not None:
if isinstance(constraints, Output_Constraint):
constraints = [constraints]
self.output_constraints = constraints
def clear_output_constraints(self):
"""Clears output constraints"""
self.output_constraints = None
def save_state(self) -> dict:
Saves the state of the Campaign object as a dictionary.
dict: A dictionary containing the saved state of the Campaign object.
obj_dict = {}
obj_dict['X_space'] = self.X_space.save_state()
obj_dict['optimizer'] = self.optimizer.save_state()
obj_dict['data'] = self.data.to_dict()
obj_dict['target'] = [t.save_state() for t in self.target]
if self.objective:
obj_dict['objective'] = self.objective.save_state()
obj_dict['seed'] = self.seed
if getattr(self, 'output_constraints', None):
obj_dict['output_constraints'] = [{'class': const.__class__.__name__,
'state': tensordict_to_dict(const.state_dict())}
for const in self.output_constraints]
return obj_dict
def load_state(cls,
obj_dict: dict):
Loads the state of the campaign from a dictionary.
cls (Campaign): The class object.
obj_dict (dict): A dictionary containing the campaign state.
Campaign: A new campaign object with the loaded state.
if 'objective' in obj_dict:
if obj_dict['objective']['name'] == 'Objective_Sequence':
new_objective = Objective_Sequence.load_state(obj_dict['objective'])
obj_class = obj_class_dict[obj_dict['objective']['name']]
new_objective = obj_class.load_state(obj_dict['objective'])
new_objective = None
new_campaign = cls(X_space=ParamSpace.load_state(obj_dict['X_space']),
target=[Target.load_state(t_dict) for t_dict in obj_dict['target']],
new_campaign.data = pd.DataFrame(obj_dict['data'])
new_campaign.data.index = new_campaign.data.index.astype('int')
new_campaign.iter = new_campaign.data['Iteration'].astype('int').max()
if 'output_constraints' in obj_dict:
for const_dict in obj_dict['output_constraints']:
const = const_class_dict[const_dict['class']](new_campaign.target, **const_dict['state'])
return new_campaign